Tuesday, March 20, 2012


Things have been in a whirlwind lately. I just feel like when you try to do what is right you have 1000 people just telling you how you should have done it better. I am so thankful that God doesn't look at me like that. He loves me just the way I am. I know He would like me to make better decisions and try to live my life to be more like HIM but still HE loves me.

I have so enjoyed these pretty days. Chloe (my 19mth old) loves being outside. I know why she does because it shows off GOD beautiful creation and even she can see it. The warming rays of the sun. When you go through the winter season it is such a great feeling to stand in the sun and feel the warm rays it puts off. Just like when in our spiritual life we go through the winter seasons. We think how cold and dreary everything is but it isn't refreshing to feel God's love and warmth fill our hearts.

God is so wonderful. Each day He fills my heart once again. He looks past my failures. He blesses me once again. I fall in love with HIM more and more each day. I am so thankful for my family that HE has given me. Chloe has brought so much joy in my life. I have been so blessed. Also I have a super great husband. Today he sent me such a beautiful arrangement of flowers.
Well gotta play,,,

Sunday, March 18, 2012

My First Blog

I have thought for a while about starting a blog but never thought I had enough to say to really put a lot in to. But with the way things have been lately in my life, I do have something to say and it's to UPLIFT the name of the MOST HIGH.

I stand amazed at what God is doing. I know as well as many of you that are reading this that we are closer to the end than ever before. When we see the signs of the time, it's hard to deny it. I have never seen in all my life so many confused and struggling. Even those people that seemed to be the strongest Christian and now they are just fallen to the wayside.

God is looking for someone who will stand up and truly STAND for what is right. I went to church today and as I looked across the crowd I noticed how those used to probably lift their hands and worship GOD now sit silently on their seat and check their phones every few minutes. It is past time as CHRISTIANS we must love others and help people. Quit worrying about everything that doesn't really matter.

God is calling for us to be HOLY as HE is holy.
This is my first blog. I won't keep it long. In the next blog when I have more time, I will blog about what GOD has done in my life.. THERE'S ALOT there to share.

"BECAUSE it is written BE YE HOLY for I am HOLY" IPeter 1:16